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When the Storms Rage, Hope Remains

"We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure” -- Hebrews 6:19. 


Good afternoon! 


Experts say my emails like the ones I send to you should be between 100 and 200 words. Well, I have a lot to say this month and I have already used 10% of my words.  


Here are some amazing things that your partnership and God’s grace have made happen just in the past week at Queen City Pregnancy Resource Center: 


We had the privilege to serve a woman who had been told by an abortion clinic that she had an ectopic pregnancy. Our sonographers saw a heartbeat inside the uterus and this mom is now seeking medical care and CHOSE life! 


Because of your support, our team also served a mom who came to us joyfully planning to carry this pregnancy but really struggling with a past abortion. Our medical advocate prayed and counseled the woman and sensed she needed help from a colleague. So, she asked a staff member who had walked a similar road for support. This staff member was able to minister to the client on a deeper level. Everyone was in tears and another level of healing has begun.  


While we rejoice at the ministry that is happening here in Charlotte, I imagine our neighbors to the west remain on your heart and mind, as they work to try to put their lives back together following Hurricane Helene. We continue to look for ways to support and undergird ministries and families affected by the storm. Last week we were able to help a client from the Asheville pregnancy center. She had to be relocated to Charlotte to get the best medical care for her high-risk delivery.  Your generosity and our volunteers (and a new partnering church) have helped meet her practical needs in beautiful ways.   


Speaking of storms, when a member of our staff sits with a pregnant, stressed-out single mom who is trying to make ends meet, “storm” is a word that often describes the devastation that mom feels.  


With your continued generosity, one of the promises we can make, to that woman, is to walk with her, beyond her initial decision about the pregnancy. Once the initial storm passes, we continue to provide for her tangible needs.  


I want to make you aware of two specific ways you can be a part of that support.  


First, we plan to serve some of our most vulnerable clients this Christmas season with our ‘Pursuit of Joy’ project.  We plan to use the QC PRC mobile unit to take household supplies, gifts, and gift cards directly to about 25 families this December. If this stirs your heart, please sign up here.  


Secondly, our baby boutique supplies are critically low (except for diapers and wipes) and our Amazon Wishlist is one way to restock. Both needs are the perfect chance for you to engage a larger group. You can champion the pro-life cause and encourage your friends, family, small group, Sunday school class, or anyone else you might think of to partner in these ways.  

Well, there you go, I’m at double the number of words I am supposed to use, even before I had a chance to say THANK YOU to everyone who came to our Autumn Blessings Open House, marking our three-year anniversary last Saturday. It was a JOY-filled time for our clients and supporters all to be together for food, fun and fellowship. It was the first time we held this type of event, and we could not have been more pleased. We praise God for the beautiful day it was in every way.  


Now, I am well over 500 words. But to be fair, I did not write to you last month, so there is that. Thank you for taking the time to stay up to date on the ministry of QC PRC and for your service, your prayers, and your support.  


Anchored in Him,  Mary


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