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Uncomfortably Close: Charting a Change in Plans

Did your summer go as planned?  Since August is flying by, I thought I’d share the story of a client whose summer did not go as planned. And since we always want to get you as close as possible to the ministry of Queen City Pregnancy Resource Center (QC PRC), I thought you might like to read her story as charted by her nurse. Of course, I’ve removed or changed all identifying information. 



Haley is in college out of state … and home for summer in Charlotte. Father of the baby, Casey, came with today. Cl [client] feels scared, just found out Sunday. She has not made any appts for her pregnancy except here. Cl has not yet told her parents but has told her sister and they both agree that she needs to decide before involving them. Cl's family is going through a very stressful situation so client feels like her telling them she is pregnant will stress them more.  


Cl says she is a Christian but feels like God will not judge her if she chooses to abort. She was visibly nervous and cried several times during appt. During u/s [ultrasound] client was quiet and attentive, but fob [father of the baby] was breathing heavy and at first did not want to hear the heartbeat. Cl asked if he wanted to leave the room and he decided to stay and said, "Ok, I will listen." They were both tearful after.  


Cl stated after that no matter what decision she makes, she will always have regret.  We encouraged her to take time to process everything and not rush into a choice that will affect her forever. We talked through all three options, and she listened about adoption, but did not want to discuss further. We shared with her effects of abortion and resources available for parenting. We briefly discussed Miravia for a possibility to finish college because she said she knows her parents will want her to come home to Charlotte if she carries. We talked through possible reactions and encouraged her to talk to her parents and give them time to process, too.  


Casey came in at end for counseling and said he thinks they are "not ready" to parent, and he feels like he ruined Haley’s life. I cautioned them from saying negative things and focusing on the fact that God can redeem any situation. Casey ... has finished college but is just beginning a career path. We encouraged them both to hold onto hope and that there are far more resources available for carrying vs aborting and shared the effects that could have on their relationship and future.  


Cl left saying, "everything happens for a reason" and we encouraged her to contemplate that although she knows God is forgiving, even with abortion, what He would want her to do with this unexpected pregnancy for her, but it was not unexpected for God. We prayed with this couple and told them we are a safe place for them to talk things through and offered 2nd u/s if desired and to make sure pregnancy is continuing. Miscarriage precautions given. She welcomed follow up and I encouraged Casey if he wants to talk to a male volunteer, we can arrange that.  


Cl did not respond to us for 2 months. We sent text messages and calls. Then she responded to us stating she is parenting and for us to check in her monthly now.  



We praise God that Haley made the decision to follow this change in plans, trust God and carry her baby to term! We also praise Him for you and your part in Haley’s story. We’re able to minister to Haley and Casey because of your prayers and gifts.  


Speaking of plans, as you pray for QC PRC, would you pray specifically for our Strategic Planning process?  We’re putting the finishing touches on this plan (that word again!) that’s designed to help grow the ministry to be able to serve as many Caseys as God will send our way over the next seven years.  


Also, please mark your calendar for October 5th. We’ll share more details soon, but what I can tell you now is that there will be food and it’s a time of celebration for those who have been served by the ministry as well as those who have helped start the ministry. We'll also be celebrating the official launch of our new mobile unit! I would LOVE for you to join us for this very special time.  


“Everything happens for a reason” may be a current cultural sentiment, but we know “that all things work together for good to those who love God” (Romans 8:28). Whether it’s your summer plans or Casey’s college career, our Heavenly Father orders our steps every single season. 


Praying with and for you,  Mary  


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